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Learning English with Kaboons Cartoons Expressions is Fun.
Kaboons are funny characters that will help you improve your English. One of the main problems in mastering the English language is learning typical English expressions. The English language has many expressions that, if taken literally, indicate something else. Take the expression “It’s no use crying about spilled milk” as an example. That phrase seems to say something about milk, but it indicates that there is no reason to keep complaining about a loss or to stay upset about things that have happened and cannot be changed.
Those who want to learn a language should also pay a lot of attention to the typical expressions. The series “Learn English with the Kaboons” uses a crucial psychological principle: we remember an expression better if we link it to a picture.
Kaboons Cartoons are very successful in the Netherlands over 50.000 card games sold. The learning through these expressions cartoons is not age-restricted. These YouTube Series idioms will make it easy for anybody to remember typical English expressions. The card game in the Netherlands became very successful because parents and whole families made this form of English learning into a challenging competition.
Kaboons founder Professor Dr. Ing. Kasper Boon has been dedicating his life to education. He was a Decan of the Open University in Maastricht. During this last decade, he was the founder of a company named skills town. This company became the Nbr One E-learning company from the Netherlands.
Kasper Boon is almost 80 and still enjoys helping others in developing new fun and effective methods of e-learning. This YouTube series is fun and educational for young and old. It will help you with conversations and become more confident in speaking English. Make Kaboons Cartoons your challenge to learn better English.